Aloha, Candy Hearts: A Russell Quant Mystery

…a hidden treasure…a dead man’s game of cat and mouse…from romantic rendezvous in the Pacific to shocking murder on the prairies…saying good-bye is never easy…

From the calm Pacific to the storm-tossed Prairie, a teasing puzzle turns into a frightening game of cat and mouse for gay PI Russell Quant.


Russell can’t be sure whether a dead man’s surprising last gift will take him on a treasure hunt or a treacherous game of life or death. With a series of clues spanning decades—from a shocking modern day murder to Saskatoon’s dark, hidden past—he revisits the harsh realities of early homesteading, investigates the blackmail of one of the literary world’s most esteemed writers, and digs for clues at the site of a never-forgotten scourge. As past reveals future, the hunter becomes the hunted.


Racing to keep pace with his latest case, Russell must balance his professional life with the demands of a wedding, a memorial, and at least one home-cooked meal at Mom’s. With the Hawaiian sand barely shook free from his hair, Russell is confronted, professionally and personally, with the harsh consequences of indecision. Saying aloha is not always easy.


Read Chapter One


Praise for Anthony Bidulka and Aloha, Candy Hearts:


“Riding the wave of popularity for home-grown sleuths, Saskatchewan writer Anthony Bidulka delivers…” – NOW Magazine (Toronto)


“…as much fun as the others.” – NOW Magazine (Toronto)


“…the real pleasure lies in getting to know the lovable detective and his circle of friends…” – NOW Magazine (Toronto)


“…you imagine that Russell Quant and the author are twin souls.” – NOW Magazine (Toronto)


“Bidulka writes with a nice blend of innocence and smarts.” – NOW Magazine (Toronto)


“It’s an endearing series, and Russell Quant is just the kind of guy you’d want for a big brother.” – NOW Magazine (Toronto)


“Bidulka writes with a journalistic sense and treats his history with accuracy and seriousness.” – The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon)


“Bidulka …[is) a terrific and flawless scene-setter.” – The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon)


“[Bidulka’s] style draws on breathtaking speed, urgency and there is never a shortage of twists and turns.” – The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon)


“Bidulka’s books, once started, are hard to put down.” – The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon)


“Bidulka mixes fun and seriousness in his fiction, and this sixth episode in Quant’s life and times is no exception.” – The Globe & Mail (Toronto)


“Author Anthony Bidulka tells a good story with a well-defined sense of place, and a carefully constructed exposition that leads to action and a dynamic climax.” – The Hamilton Spectator (Hamilton)


“Some writers get all, or most of, the technical components in order…but miss the feeling behind good story telling…Bidulka has that gift and uses it with more finesse with each succeeding novel.” – The Hamilton Spectator (Hamilton)


“Aloha, Candy Hearts is a satisfying summer read that breathes interesting life into places and lifestyles we thought we knew.” – The Hamilton Spectator (Hamilton)


“Bidulka has crafted an involving whodunit with an intriguing mystery and a three-dimensional detective in Quant.” – OutFront Colorado (Denver)


“Bidulka serves it all up with warmth, wit and savvy, making for a delicious read that will leave you hungry for more…” – OutFront Colorado (Denver)


“…the author’s most playful to date.” –


“…its emotional high comes, in a moment right out of the conclusion of Chaucer’s TROILUS AND CRESEYDE…” –


“Saskatoon’s Anthony Bidulka is building a nice niche reputation for wrapping gay romance around crime fiction…” – The London Free Press (London)


“Bidulka writes with a sprightly, appealing tone…” – The London Free Press (London)


“His characters [have] the happy side-effect of making Saskatoon an intriguingly lively spot on the map.” – The London Free Press (London)


“…does not disappoint.” – Wayves (Halifax)


“The now familiar Quant insouciant wit and humour is here in strength, as is the well constructed plot.” – Wayves (Halifax)


“…what lift’s Bidulka’s books a level above other well-crafted mysteries is the human element he has created in the character of Russell Quant.” – Wayves (Halifax)


“We have become Russell’s friends—or, at least, Bidulka has created that lovely illusion.” – Wayves (Halifax)


“Aloha, Candy Hearts delivers on many levels and is the best addition yet to what is already a very strong series.” – Wayves (Halifax)


“…a novel full of intelligence, wit and heart.” – Wayves (Halifax)


“Bidulka continues to top himself.” – Wayves (Halifax)


“Most strikingly, Bidulka writes with heart.” – Xtra (Toronto)


“Bidulka seasons his novels with rich ingredients…” – Xtra (Toronto)


“…this private investigator series has legs.” – Xtra (Toronto)


“…not just another who-done-it…” – Out in Print


“Anthony pulls you into his character’s lives with his simple, stylish prose.” – Out in Print


“…one of the most intriguing mysteries yet…” – Out in Print


“…you will be swept away…” – Out in Print


“…full of wit, humor, introspection, conflict, and plenty of twists and turns to get to the who done it.” –


“The characters…will make you laugh, get a little choked up, want to slap them, and you will absolutely love every single one of them.” –


“Mr. Bidulka has crafted a book full of life and love in all its splendor and stresses.” –


Photographs that inspired scenes in this book:



Aloha, Candy Hearts (2009)
ISBN: 978-18971787-6-8 (Paperback)
ASIN: B0034KZ1R0 (eBook)

2009 Saskatchewan Book Award Finalist

2010 Arthur Ellis Award Finalist

2011 Named American Library Association GLBT Round Table Over The Rainbow – Top Mystery