Kelley Armstrong
With Kelley at a dinner for all of us who were guests of honor at the 2012 When Words Collide literary festival in Calgary. Kelley is a Canadian writer, primarily of fantasy novels.

Joe Pittman
With writer/editor Joe Pittman
At the Lammie Awards - NYC 2009

Brenda Chapman
With author Brenda Chapman, an organizer of Bloody Words Mystery Conference 2009 in Ottawa

Victor Banis and Laura Baumbach
With legendary Victor Banis and writer/publisher Laura Baumbach

Brenda Chapman
We clean up nice - With author Brenda Chapman
Bloody Words Conference banquet 2010

Jim Bartley
The launch of Stain of the Berry in Toronto at This Ain't the Rosedale Library was a joint event with author Jim Bartley who was launching his book, Drina Bridge. 2006

Cathy Astolfo
Dos Equis launch-Toronto 2012
With recent Arthur Ellis award winner, and friend, Cathy Astolfo

Gail Bowen
A great Saskatchewan writer - the Joanne Kilbourn series - Gail Bowen.

Pat Brown
With author Pat Brown - Left Coast Crime Convention - Waikoloa, Kona, Hawaii March 2009 - Not all of our time was exactly spent in the conference rooms. But to be fair - it was winter in Hawaii, unseasonably cool and rainy and this was one of the few sunny days. Really.

Ellen Hart and Robert Taylor
Appeared at Query Booksellers in Minneapolis with one of my all time favourite authors, Ellen Hart, and reunited my last year's California tour mate Robert Taylor. 2005

Mark Richard Zubro, Chuck Zito and Neil Plakcy
Q&A in NYC with Zito, Plakcy and Zubro
September 2007 I, along with my colleagues, Mark Richard Zubro, Chuck Zito, and Neil Plakcy, did a two city mini tour, which we called The Men of Mystery Tour, with stops in New York and Boston. We were wonderfully received, had a great time together, were graciously hosted by the LGBT Center and Oscar Wilde Bookstore in NYC, and Calamus Bookstore in Boston, and what terrific turnouts.

Mike O'Connor
Insomniac Press publisher, Mike O'Connor

Greg Miraglia, Neil Plakcy, Rich Merritt, Mark Zubro, Chris Beakey, Scott Sherman
With authors Greg Miraglia, Neil Plakcy, Rich Merritt, Mark Zubro, Chris Beakey, Scott Sherman - Washington, DC - Speaking at the International Association of GLBT Criminal Justice Professionals Annual Conference

Pamela Blance
With Pam Blance, then an up and coming new writer
Toronto - Bloody Words 2010

Barbara Fradkin & Vicki Delany
Champagne in Limo with authors Barbara Fradkin & Vicki Delany
At Bouchercon Conference in Indianapolis, 2009

Barbara Fradkin, RJ Harlick & Vicki Delany
A Night out at Bouchercon Mystery Conference
With Barbara Fradkin, RJ Harlick & Vicki Delany - stepping away from conference duties for dinner out in Indianapolis, 2009. I surprised Barbara, RJ & Vicki by booking a limo and champagne for our ride to the restaurant.

Alex Brett and Darren Greer
Ottawa Launch with authors Alex and Darren 2004
This was a wonderful event at the National Library of Canada in Ottawa, where I read with authors (and friends) Alex Brett and Darren Greer.

John Mcfetridge, Robin Spano, Lou Allin, Rich Blechta
Together we represented the O Canada panel at the 2012 Bouchercon Mystery conference in Cleveland. John, Lou, Rick and I have all served on the Crime Writers of Canada board.

Maureen Jennings
Photo was taken by Maureen's talented husband Iden Ford at Bloody Words 2010

Liz Bugg
With fellow author Liz Bugg at Dos Equis launch in Toronto, 2012
Liz and I share the same publisher, Insomniac Press.

Helene Tursten, Baron Birtcher, Christopher Moore, Deborah Terrell Atkinson
Left Coast Crime 2009-Kona Hawaii - Panel: Does Geography Determine the Genre or the Content - with my fellow panelists Helene Tursten (Sweden), Baron Birtcher (Hawaii), Christopher Moore (Thailand), Deborah Terrell Atkinson (Hawaii)

Cathy Astolfo
I was the MC with Cathy Astolfo (outgoing CWC president) as one of the presenters at Bouchercon 2012 - Meet the Canucks event. A very popular party.

Vicki Delany
Vicki is always good for a big, bad, outlandish hat. Here we are at the 2012 Meet the Canucks event at Bouchercon conference, trying to decide whether we should start the party or wait for some latecomers.

Cheryl Freedman, Steve Steinbock, Sue Steinbock and Catherine Astolfo
Reacting with horror at something in Jill Edmondson's (front) new book
Also with Bloody Words organizer Cheryl Freedman, IACW president Steve Steinbock, Sue Steinbock, and CWC president Catherine Astolfo

Deryn Collier
With Arthur Ellis Awards Dinner Chair and terrific writer Deryn Collier as I prepare to MC the 2011 Crime Writers of Canada Arthur Ellis Awards in Victoria, BC
They gifted me with the gorgeous boutonnière, which was created by a volunteer, and included a herb that represented 'crime' - very fitting.

Ellen Hart
With author Ellen Hart at Arnauds, New Orleans, 2007

Greg Herren and Ellen Hart
Bathing in an eerie glow with authors Greg Herren and Ellen Hart
San Francisco, CA - Reading at A Different Light Bookstore 2010

Caro Soles
In addition to being a fine writer, Caro is the founder of Canada's first mystery writers convention, Bloody Words. Caro and I joyously toured Texas together in 2007.

Garry Ryan
Authors Gone Wild!
What really goes on behind the scenes at joint author events.
Audrey's Bookstore - Edmonton, Alberta 2010

Greg Herren and Ellen Hart
With authors Greg Herren and Ellen Hart at a reading at A Different Light Bookstore
San Francisco, CA 2010

Lori Lake
With author Lori Lake
San Francisco, CA 2010

NAT Grant, Barbara Fradkin, Louise Penny
At the Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival in Montreal where NAT worked to get us on a panel East vs West (in terms of crime writing) with Barbara from Ottawa representing West, and me the East, Louise was our super moderator - April 2010

Lee Patton, Greg Herren, Ann Laughlin
Hijinks in San Francisco
With authors Lee Patton, Greg Herren, Ann Laughlin - our event at A Different Light Bookstore 2009

Lee Patton, Greg Herren, Ann Laughlin
A Different Light Bookstore, San Francisco, CA 2009

Mark Zubro, Ellen Hart, Greg Herren, Neil Plakcy
Theatre on the Square event hosted by Outword Bound Bookstore, Indianapolis, IN 2009

Neil Plakcy, Greg Herren, Mark Zubro
Having some fun at the end of the night, we were a Motley Men of Mystery in Ann Arbor, Michigan
With authors Neil Plakcy, Greg Herren, Mark Zubro, and Common Language Bookstore & Sh/AUT performance space owners Martin & Keith.

Neil Plakcy
With Neil in front of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland where we were both attending Bouchercon Mystery conference.

John Gormley
John and I were both presenters at the 2012 The Word On The Street festival in Saskatoon. It was a shiny happy day to be signing books in our hometown.

Robert Calder
With Robert Calder, an award-winning author and an accomplished scholar of modern British Literature at the University of Saskatchewan avid reader Marikay Falby at the 2012 The Word On The Street in Saskatoon.

Cheryl Freedman
Cheryl Freedman - Outgoing Crime Writers of Canada ED
At her final Bloody Words as ED - Ottawa 2009

Nairne Holtz
With Quebec writer Nairne Holtz
At our joint launch in Toronto - Buddies in Bad Times Theatre in 2009

Karin Kallmaker and Neil Plakcy
With authors Karin Kallmaker and Neil Plakcy at the Lambda Literary Awards 2009 in New York City

Katherine V. Forrest and Charles Flowers
With author Katherine V. Forrest and Lambda Literary Foundation ED Charles Flowers
At the 2009 Lambda Literary Awards in New York City

Thomas Keith
With Thomas Keith at the 2009 Lammie Awards, NYC

Caro Soles, Chris Beakey, Neil Plakcy
Lammy Awards in LA 2008 - With Fellow Men's Mystery Nominees Caro Soles, Chris Beakey, Neil Plakcy - none of us won. 🙁

Catherine Astolfo
With Crime Writers of Canada President, Catherine Astolfo.
It was an exciting night. I was MCing the CWC's Arthur Ellis Awards, and Cathy was celebrating the end of her term as president.

Kay Stewart, Nat Grant and Vicki Delany
With authors Kay Stewart, Nat Grant and Vicki Delany at Bloody Words Mystery conference in Toronto, 2008

Mark Richard Zubro
With Mark Richard Zubro at Giovanni's Room Bookstore in Philadelphia, 2008.

Chuck Zito, Neil Plakcy & Mark Richard Zubro
This was called the Men of Msytery Tour - with two stops in NYC and Boston, September 2007. Had a wonderful time with authors Chuck Zito, Neil Plakcy & Mark Richard Zubro.

Ellen Hart and Robert Taylor
The three of us had a marvelous time, reading together in Minneapolis, late 2005.

Robert Taylor
Robert and I have the same US publicist, who wisely put us together on a California tour in 2005, me with Flight of Aquavit, and Robert with his book "Whose Eye is on Which Sparrow". It was a genius pairing as our styles could not be more different, yet we complimented each other very well. He is a terrific gentleman, and so very eloquent. Robert and I continue to be friends and see each other often at various literary events.

Murray Malcolm
Saskatchewan author, Murray Malcolm, and I, have appeared together both in Saskatoon and at Moose Jaw's Festival of Words.

Jim Tushinski
With author/filmmaker Jim Tushinski at the opening night party for Saints & Sinners Literary Conference in New Orleans, 2007.

Brenda Chapman, RJ Harlick, Mary Jane Maffini, Linda Wiken
The Canadian Brigade - in Cleveland, in front of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame where we're about to attend the opening night reception for the 2012 Bouchercon Mystery Conference.

Greg Herren, Gillian Rodger and JM Redmann
At the opening night party for Saints & Sinners Literary Festival in New Orleans.

Pamela Blance
With author-to-be Pamela Blance
Bloody Words - Ottawa - 2009

Toronto launch
With colleague and co-resenter, Liz Bugg who is also an Insomniac Press author.

Signing - TWOTS
Signing books for Muveddet & Emre, next to childrens author Arthur Slade, at The Word On The Street Saskatoon - Sept 2013

Magna Cum Murder 2013
An example of the deep conversations common at Magna Cum Murder convention...okay, most often its laughter. Indianapolis 2013. With authors W.S. Gager and Michael Dymmoch. We'd just come from our panel on When Characters Assume a Life of their own.

With Michael Dymmoch & Carl Brookins
In the signing room at the 2013 Magna Cum Murder in Indianapolis, IN in the beautiful old Columbia Club

With Gail Bowen
At 2104 Saskatchewan Festival of Words. Gail is a fellow Saskatchewan mystery writer, whose books taught me that you can be a Saskatchewan writer, writing about Saskatchewan and be successful. She's a mentor, friend, and all around cool chick.

With Ian Hamilton
With Ian Hamilton, author of the Ava Lee series, at The Word On The Street Saskatoon, September 16, 2018.