Frances Thorsen of Chronicles of Crime - Victoria
Is it Chronicles of Crime proprietor Frances Thorsen or Tapas on the Ramblas character, cruiseship Captain Giovanna Bagnato? Nothing beats a bookstore owner who dresses the part. What spirit! Awesome!

David Rimmer of After Stonewall Bookstore - Ottawa
This is my first meeting with David Rimmer, the bon vivant owner of After Stonewall Bookstore in Ottawa. The amazing window display featuring my book (and other paraphenalia)was the first sign that David and I would become fast friends, plus, he originally comes from Saskatoon and his mother, brother and sister-in-law are regulars at my Saskatoon launches and our Xmas parties.

Ray Hengst of Remember the Alibi-San Antonio, TX
The bookstore Caro Soles and I appeared at in San Antonio, TX was cleverly named Remember the Alibi. (I had the opportunity to visit the Alamo that same afternoon). Ray Hengst of Remember the Alibi, author Caro Soles, and I seem to be amazingly colour co-ordinated by accident.

McNally Robinson - Winnipeg
Winnipeg Launch of Flight of Aquavit, 2004
Winnipeg McNally Robinson - as always - went above and beyond and had this giant martini glass display (to mimic the cover of Flight of Aquavit) as part of the launch promotion.

BookWoman - Austin, TX
With BookWoman's manager, Sue, and author Caro Soles in Austin, Texas.
Keeping Austin Weird!
This was during the 2007 tour of Texas promoting Stain of the Berry.

Sharon of Audreys - Edmonton, AB
Being introduced by Sharon of Audrey's Bookstore in Edmonton in 2006 for the Stain of the Berry tour.

A Different Light Bookstore-San Francisco
San Francisco Launch of Flight of Aquavit 2005
Jackie was the manager of A Different Light Bookstore in San Francisco, my first foray into an international book launch. I remember having about two seconds of trepidation as we walked to the store that night, thinking, who on earth do I think I am having an event in another country. Fortunately everything worked out splendidly.

Outwrite - Atlanta, GA
With Philip Rafshoon (Store Manager), author Neil Plakcy, and staff of Outwrite Bookstore, Atlanta, GA

Mr Paddington of Sleuth of Baker Street - Toronto, ON
Sadly, Mr. Paddington, the store's long time mascot, is no longer with us. But I'm sure he's still roaming those book-lined aisles in spirit.

Lambda Rising - Washington, DC
The Russell Quant books in the front window of the Lambda Rising bookstore in Washington, DC. It was my first time in Washington, and we had a wonderful time getting to know the city and touring the many sites and particularly the inside of some outstanding restaurants. 2006.

David Rimmer of After Stonewall - Ottawa, ON
David came out with friends to support me at the Bloody Words conference when it was in Ottawa.

Janine of Little Sisters-Vancouver, BC
Manager Janine of Vancouver's Little Sisters Bookshop always manages to give the best, most heartfelt and stirring introductions whenever I launch there.
Immediately prior to the launch, we hosted a cocktail party in our hotel room - so much of the crowd was in a jovial mood.

Glad Day - Toronto, ON

Glad Day - Toronto, ON
For the 2010 launch of Date With a Sheesha in Toronto, to make sure we had enough space (and happy readers!), we hosted the event in a bar - Woodys. Glad Day Bookstore kindly came out to sell books.

Sharon Bodnarchuk of Audrey's-Edmonton, AB
2010 - Date With a Sheesha Edmonton launch
Sharon Bodnarchuk of Audrey's Books getting the evening started.

-Josh, John and Prodan-Glad Day Bookstore - Toronto, ON
Toronto Launch of Aloha, Candy Hearts - 2009 - Glad Day Bookstore heroes Josh, John and Prodan

Rose Wood of Humboldt Public Library
Not exactly a bookstore, but Rose has invited me out twice to the Humboldt Public Library to speak during Saskatchewan Library Week. Always a fun and well-attended event. In 2012 they even held a potluck for me prior to the reading. Love libraries!

Rick Anderson of Q Trading Co.-Palm Springs, CA
Rick was so generous that a few weeks after I'd returned home from this event, I received a package in the mail with a gift item I'd admired in the store.

Giovanni's Room - Philadelphia. PA
Giovanni's Room Bookstore - Philadelphia - May 2008 - Sundowner Ubuntu - with Neil Plakcy and Mark Richard Zubro - Men of Mystery Tour

Sources of Hope - Dallas, TX
The Cathedral of Hope in Dallas was not only my first stop on my first tour in Texas, but it was the first time I did an event in a church environment. It was unique and inspirational. Here I am with my tour mate, the inimitable Toronto author, Caro Soles, and Sue, the manager of the Sources of Hope bookshop. It was her first time hosting a reading - so we were very honoured to be a part of her initial effort - and she did a fantastic job of it. 2007.

Chronicles of Crime-Victoria
Victoria's mystery bookstore, Chronicles of Crime, is a wonderful spot, and its owner, Frances Thorsen is a most generous genius when it comes to window displays. This was the window for Tapas on the Ramblas launch in 2005. The inside of the store was decorated too!

Charlie of This Aint the Rosedale Library - Toronto
Owner Charlie introduced us at the Toronto launch of Stain of the Berry upstairs at This Ain't the Rosedale Library. We had a terrific crowd, despite a rather foggy night. 2006

Book & Brier- Regina, SK
World of Russell Quant Wine Basket - Contest at Book & Brier Bookstore in Regina. The basket consisted of five wines, one from each of the countries Russell has travelled to in the course of the first five books: France, USA, Spain, Canada, and South Africa. Many thanks to Book & Brier, and especially Robert for their help on this promotion. 2007

Keith & Martin of Common Language - Ann Arbor MI
Laughing it up with Keith & Martin, the proprietors of Common Language Bookstore in Ann Arbor, MI. I remember hiring a car to take me directly from the Detroit airport to my Ann Arbor hotel where I was scheduled to do an interview immediately prior to the reading. The plane was late and I had to go directly to the store, in the same clothes I'd spent the day flying in, do the interview in their back room, then jump right into the reading event. But all went wonderfully smooth, a super welcoming place.

David Rimmer of After Stonewall - Ottawa. ON

Marion of Sleuth of Baker Street - Toronto
I visited Toronto's Sleuth of Baker Street to sign some books in 2006. Marion had even invited known fans to be there early to have private chats with me. Great supporters of the mystery literary world.

Philip Rafshoon of Outwrite - Atlanta, GA
I'm with Philip Rafshoon of Outwrite Bookstore after my reading therein 2006 with Tapas on the Ramblas. It was my first time in Atlanta and loved the friendly city. I run into Philip every year at the Lambda Awards where he is also a regular presenter.

Scott Dagostino of Glad Day - Toronto, ON
Co owner of Glad Day with the perfect Russell Quant collection.
At the 2012 Toronto launch of Dos Equis (notice the beer he's holding). That's a dedicated book seller.

McNally Robinson - Saskatoon
Right the get go, McNally Robinson bookstore in my hometown of Saskatoon has known how to rock a book launch. This photo is of my editor Catherine Lake introducing me at my very first (ever) book launch at McNally Robinson in May 2003.
See way up behind her? From this angle you can't tell just how GIGANTIC that poster was - like triple life size - a face that big only a mother could love. But they were into it.
And for every book since the events coordinator, the restaurant managers, the in-house Prairie Ink restaurant chef, not to mention the book sellers on the floor, went above and beyond to make each launch a very special event. With each book there was a theme - for the food, the drink, the decorations - based on what foreign location Russell Quant was visiting. We've hadeverything from African dancers to a Hula hut to shots of aquavit. Spectacular. And the crowds love it and keep on coming back.
You can see more in the Hometown Launch set of photos.

With events coordinator Marcy Hildebrandt.
Marcy put together the very cool posters - including the one in the background which will be sold off with proceeds going to Camp fYrefly Sask. The lovely bouquet - which I incidentally match - was from my family.

With Eileen & Robin at Owl's Nest, Calgary
Eileen works at the bookstore and Robin Van Eck is the program manager for the Alexandra Writer's Centre Society who invited me to speak in Calgary. I love the looks on their faces, we were having a great time. October 2014

With Owl's Nest Bookstore Owner Michael Hare
Yes, this is exactly what happens behind the scenes at bookstore readings! Michael and his wonderful bookstore in Calgary, AB were the best hosts!