Men of Mystery 2012
The room begins to fill for the 2012 50 Men of Mystery event in Irvine, California (Orange County), November 2012
They invite 50 men who write mystery and 350 fans of men who write mystery and we spend the day together. Each of us mystery writers hosts a table of guest for the day.
I was the only Canadian at the 2012 event.

Bouchercon 2012
Being MC for the Meet the Canucks evening at the 2012 Bouchercon Mystery conference in Cleveland, 2012

Bouchercon 2012
I was the MC for the Meet the Canucks event at the 2012 Bouchercon literary conference in Cleveland, where we gave audience members a chance to win a free book by each Canadian author in attendance. This is Hilary Davidson about to give away her book to an excited fan.

The Word On The Street 2012
I appeared on Global TV with Kevin Stanfield to talk about my upcoming appearance at Saskatoon's The Word On The Street, an on-the-street literary festival that happens concurrently at several Canadian cities on the same day each fall.

The Word On The Street 2012
Speaking at the annual The Word On The Street Literary Festival in Saskatoon 2012

When Words Collide 2012
Panelist on the Conflict & Tension panel with Rhiannon Held, Susan MacGregor, and Barb Geiger
This panel ended up being one of the top 10 attended program items for WWC 2012
Calgary, AB

When Words Collide 2012
With Kelley Armstrong, awaiting our turn for our Guest of Honour Keynote talks
When Words Collide - Calgary, AB

When Words Collide 2012
Delivering my Guest of Honour keynote address at the 2012 When Words Collide literary festival in Calgary 2012

When Words Collide 2012
The WWC 2012 Guests of Honour panel
Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Kelley Armstrong, me, Vanessa Cardui, Adrienne Kerr

When Words Collide 2012
Moderating the Murder & Mayhem panel at the 2012 WWC, with panelists Stephen Legault and Jayne Barnard
Calgary, AB

When Words Collide 2012
Sitting on a panel at the 2012 When Words Collide literary festival for readers and writers in Calgary.

When Words Collide 2012
Someone got this neat shot at one of the signings I had during the When Words Collide festival in Calgary 2012

My City Speaks 2012
With the group of Saskatoon artists - poets, singers, actors - who presented at My City Speaks: How Art Impacts Community
The Bassment, Saskatoon, March 1, 2012

College of Education Wall of Honour Induction 2011
With Cecilia Reynolds, Dean of the College of Education, UofS
Recognizing that several alumni of the College of Education have succeeded in a variety of fields, the Wall will represent this by honouring five different alumni annually. I was thrilled to be one of the 2011 honourees.

Men of Mystery 2010
Attending 50 Men of Mystery for the first time in Orange County, California. It was a special year- their 10th Anniversary. I had met the organizers at a conference in Hawaii a year earlier and they invited me to be one of the 50.

Arthur Ellis Awards 2011
Preparing to MC the 2011 Crime Writers of Canada Arthur Ellis Awards
With AE Dinner Chair, Deryn Collier. Victoria, BC.

Bloody Words 2011
Moderating the Writing the Range panel at 2011 Bloody Words Mystery Conference in Victoria, BC.
With panelists Sharon Wildwind, Jona Donaldson-Yarmey, Garry Ryan, and Susan Calder.

Festival of Words 2010
Speaking at Saskatchewan Festival of Words
Moose Jaw, SK - July 2010

Bloody Words 2010
On the Far & Wide panel with authors Rich Thompson, Marianne MacDonald & Robert Landori
Bloody Words - Toronto, ON

Bloody Words 2010
With Steven Steinbock, president of International Association of Crime Writers
...whom I genuinely like...really...I'm one of his board members (until this photo at least)

Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival 2010
On panel East vs West with author Barbara Fradkin and moderator/author Louise Penny
Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival & the Arthur Ellis Award Shortlist announcement, Montreal QC - April 2010
I was thrilled to have Aloha, Candy Hearts shortlisted for Best Crime novel.

Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival 2010
On the lighter side of sitting on a panel
With Barbara Fradkin & Louise Penny at Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, Montreal QC - April 2010

Bloody Words 2009
Sitting on The Liars Panel - with authors Rhys Bowen, Denise Mina, Rick Mofina
This is quite a fun and popular panel where we each test our skills at lying and see if anyone in the audience can catch us.
Bloody Words Mystery Conference, Ottawa 2009

Bloody Words 2009
Ottawa Reading at Bloody Words Mystery conference - right up front is author Nat Grant

Bouchercon 2009
The Bouchercon "Oh Canada" Panelists in "traditional" Canadian garb.
With authors Vicki Delany (Miss Moose), me as the prairie cowboy, Barbara Fradkin as the Grenadier, RJ Harlick is our Hockey Player, and MJ Maffini is the RCMP officer (complete with frilly red blouse) - some called us YMC "eh"
Indianapolis, IN

Bouchercon 2009
Canuck Treats - Bouchercon, Indianapolis, IN
Some of the 'Canadian' treats we served at the "Oh Canada" panel - included Cape Breton tarts, chocolate covered Saskatoon berries, Moose droppings, Smarties, Maple cookies, Loonie-shaped chocolates

Bloody Words 2009
With Janet Costello, editor of Crime Scene, SIC Toronto
At the Bloody Words Mystery Conference in Ottawa, June 2009, right after our interview

Lambda Literary Awards 2009
With US publicist Michelle Karlsberg at the Lammie Awards, NYC
Sundowner Ubuntu was nominated in Best Men's Mystery Category

Lambda Literary Awards 2009
In the Lammie Awards Proshansky Theatre with Pat, Mike & Michael - 2009 - NYC

Lammie Awards After Party 2009
After the 2009 Lambda Literary Awards gala, Herb and I made an appearance at the after party at W Tuscany NYC

Saints & Sinners Literary Festival 2009
Moderating Panel at Saints & Sinners Literary Festival, New Orleans with author panelists Dale Chase, William Holden, Jerry Wheeler, Jeff Mann

Saints & Sinners Literary Festival 2009
Panelist at Saints & Sinners Literary Festival, New Orleans, with moderator Carol Rosenfeld, and authors Ellen Hart, Gary Zebrun, Jeffrey Round

Lambda Literary Awards 2008
Attending the Lammies 2008 - In Front of Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles

Arthur Ellis Awards 2008
I was acting as MC for the 2008 Arthur Ellis Awards (I am hidden behind lectern) .
This is the 2008 Hammett Prize Winner Gil Adamson accepting her award.

Saints & Sinners Literary Festival 2008
Moderating Life Skills Panel with authors Gary Zebrun, JM Redmann, Cynn Chadwick
Saints & Sinners Literary Festival, New Orleans, LA - May 2008

Lambda Literary Awards 2007
With my US publicist Michelle Karlsberg
This is my wonderful US publicist Michelle Karlsberg. We met up at the 2007 Lambda Literary Awards pre-awards party in New York City.

Lambda Literary Awards 2007
Presenting the two mystery category awards with author Judith Markowitz at the 2007 Lambda Literary Awards in NYC.

Saskatchewan Libraries Week at Humboldt Library 2006
This was a reading I did in 2006 for Saskatchewan Libraries Week at Humboldt's Reid Thompson Library. I'm with Hazel (an ex-fellow SWG board member)and librarian Rose. We'd had some bizarre weather and the hour drive to Humboldt was dreadful. My sister however came from two hours away through the same conditions, and brought flowers. What a gal.

Bouchercon 2006
Authors Alex Brett, Neil Plakcy, Caro Soles, Mark Richard Zubro and I shared a panel at Bouchercon Mystery Writers Conference in Madison, Wisconsin in 2006.

Festival of Words 2006
Joint reading with author Murray Malcolm at the Festival of Words July 2006
Moose Jaw, SK

Lambda Literary Awards 2006
Presenting the mystery category awards at the 2006 Lambda Literary Awards in Washington, DC with author Karin Kallmaker.

Lambda Literary Awards 2006
The new (at that time) Executive Director of the Lambda Literary Foundation is giving me some last minutes instructions for my first time as a Lammie presenter at the 2006 Lambda Literary Awards in Washington, DC.

Book Expo Canada 2006
Signing books at the (now defunct) Book Expo Canada in Toronto, June 2006.

Tree Reading Series 2005
In 2005, Director James Moran invited me to Ottawa to be a guest at their long-running Tree Reading series.

Lambda Literary Awards 2005
I was so certain I would not win the Lambda Literary Award for Best Men's Mystery, that we did not even take a camera to the ceremonies. This photo was taken in our hotel room later that evening. Which may be why I'm looking a little deer-in-the-headlights.
New York City

Lambda Literary Foundation International Writer’s Festival 2003
With authors Jeff Mann, Cecilia Tan, Samuel R. Delaney
My first time as a panelist at a literary conference, with authors Jeff Mann, Cecilia Tan, Samuel R. Delaney in Provincetown, MA. I had no idea what I was doing or what the expectations were. But it went okay. I've now sat on and moderated many panels; so it's fun to look back at this photo and remember my anxiety and naivete.

University of Saskatchewan
The Russell Quant books being featured in a display in the Main Library of the University of Saskatchewan campus

CTV Morning Live
With host Jeremy Dodge
July 23, 2013
Discussing Russell Quant & Adam Saint books.

CTV News
On location in my hometown of Prud'homme, Saskatchewan
With my mom in the background

The Word On The Street Saskatoon
Reading at the Odyssey Tent at The Word On The Street Saskatoon - Sept 2013

Magna Cum Murder Panel
At the 2013 Magna Cum Murder convention in Indianapolis. This was our panel about: Why PIs Are Still Cool. Behind us is moderator Parnell Hall, next to me are Carl Brookins, Jeremiah Healy, Ted Hertel & Gary Warren Niebuhr.

When Characters Assume a Life of Their Own
Panel at Magna Cum Murder 2013 in Indianapolis. L to R: Moderator Michael Dymmoch, W.S. (Wendy) Gager, Dan Andriacco, Albert Bell and Me

Saskatchewan Reading Council Annual Conference
The Saskatchewan Reading Council Conference Author Night - March 3, 2014 - featuring addresses by myself, Arthur Slade, Brenda Baker & Wilfred Burton.

SWG Write After Lunch Talks
I traveled to Regina on a blustery winter day to deliver a talk as part of the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild series - Write After Lunch - which were also live streamed. My talk was entitled: Killing Me Softly: Murder, Saskatchewan Style

Prairie Landscape as Character
This was at the 2014 Saskatchewan Festival of Words on a panel with authors Gail Bowen, Mary Ann Kirkby, & Kim McCullough, moderated by National Post book editor Mark Medley.

Behind the Scenes at a Lit Festival!
Caught on Camera! Mystery author Gail Bowen and I battle it at the signing table. Okay, we weren't particularly serious about it. Gail claims she won, and when she had me on the floor spritzed me with Brut cologne!

Festival Announcement
This was the event announcing authors attending the 2014 Saskatchewan Festival of Words in Moose Jaw (including moi!)

Reading Attendance
This was the first session of the 2014 Festival of Words which I shared with Gail Bowen. Friday 9am and it was packed.

Global TV Regina
At the beginning of the 2014 Sask Festival of Words, Global TV interviewed me on a surprisingly cool and windy early morning (7:15am) on the beautiful riverside grounds of the Moose Jaw Public Library where most events took place.

Global TV Photo Bomb
This was Stew, the Global TV cameraman, who was 'pretending' to set up my books for the shot. About a minute into the live interview, the book next to me blew over in the wind. We did our best to continue straight faced. Stew was fired. (not really)

With Ilonka Halsband & Gail Bowen
2014 Saskatchewan Festival of Words - Gail and I kicked things off with a joint reading session, introduced by aspiring author Ilonka.

With Ian Hamilton
With Ian Hamilton, author of the Ava Lee series, at The Word On The Street Saskatoon, September 16, 2018.