CTV News Saskatoon
CTV News in Saskatoon is always terrific about promoting my book launches.

Interview on CTV News At Noon Show
Interview about the launch of Set Free.

Interview with Matt Young
Matt Young interviewing me about Set Free.

The crowd gets seated for the Set Free launch.

Herb playing host to our launch guests.

Waving to the crowd before we get started.

McNally Robinson events coordinatoer, Chris Harrow introducing me.

The moment before we start...

Here we go!

Reading from Set Free

Good listeners, right?


The signing line.
I'm always amazed and exceedingly grateful that people have the patience to wait in line. The last person came through the line two hours later.

Me and Mom
Mom has sat next to me in the signing line at many of my launches. She's even been asked to sign the book herself several times!

Muveddet & Omer.

With neighbour Bev.

Lorna, Greg, Jill.

Visiting in line.

Always something to laugh about.

Love to see the book being showed off.

Scott, Rob, David.

Villy & Jack

With Herb & mother-in-law Muriel

Ken, Gail, Shaye, Patti.

Nancy & Don.

Craig, Trish, Christina, Kevin.

Cool aerial shot of the signing line. Good job, Herb!

Signing for Laurie.

Lynne, Pat, Muriel.

Herb & Auntie Jean (best baker in town!)

Love it when cousins drop by.

With moustachioed cousin Tom.

Auntie Jean shares a secret while Hazel looks on.

With Edna.

Great signage by McNally Robinson.

The event wall.

Didn't I say Saskatoon rocks - making Set Free #1!