by Anthony Bidulka | Mar 25, 2021 | Blog
One For the Rock by Kevin Major My rating: 5 of 5 stars I stumbled upon this book. Its been a while since I read a book that beckoned me back like a warm blanket on a cold night. There’s nothing earthshaking about this book, but it scores big with me on setting,...
by Anthony Bidulka | Mar 18, 2021 | Blog, What Anthony is Saying
One of my earliest writing attempts was a book called Beneath the Seal of Wax. So it is with fond memories of that long ago time that, with the breaking of this seal of red wax, it becomes official: my twelfth (gosh, how did that happen?) novel, Going to Beautiful,...
by Anthony Bidulka | Mar 13, 2021 | Blog, The Buzz, Ticker, What Anthony is Saying
Honoured to have my family name assigned to two parks in the beautiful new Aspen Ridge Neighbourhood in Saskatoon. More pictures at:–Park/ ...
by Anthony Bidulka | Mar 13, 2021 | Blog, The Buzz, Ticker, What Everyone Else is Saying
Announcing the 2020 Alumni of Influence Top row: Anthony Bidulka, Dr. Signa Daum Shanks, Tracey Jungwirth, Dr. Russell Muzzolini . Bottom row: Dr. Monique Simair, Dr. Ronald Steer, Adrian Stimson, Dr. Adam Pottle. (Photos: supplied) An award-winning mystery author, a...
by Anthony Bidulka | Feb 10, 2021 | The Buzz, What Anthony is Saying
Change can make you happy, it can make you sad, and for the most part it can make you anxious. When it overwhelms, you just want to move to the country and raise goats. This podcast features stories from people who have gone through change in the hopes that their...