Like to read mysteries?


Could you find Russell Quant – the first, and perhaps only ex-cop, ex-farmboy, half-Ukrainian, half-Irish, world-travelling, wine-swilling, wise-cracking, gay, Canadian prairie, private eye being written about today anywhere by anyone – interesting to read about?


Does any of the following entice you?:

“Bidulka unravels his tale with skill and gentle humour…”– The Voice

“… sharp wit and generous helpings of heart….” – Mystery Scene Magazine

“… witty dialogue, smart commentary and plenty of good, sharp writing.”– Globe & Mail

“The plot line is fast-moving and seductive, but it’s the endearing protagonist who gets you hooked…” – NOW Magazine

“Few…could match [Quant’s] over-the-top cleverness with words or archness of observation.” – Canadian Book Review Annual


Well here is your chance to find out…for FREE.


Be a NEW Twitter follower @abidulka within the next week – Saturday, Sept. 14 to Friday, Sept. 20, 2013 and your name will go into a draw to win all EIGHT books in the award winning Russell Quant series.


You can find out more about the books at


Author Anthony Bidulka


A draw for the winner will be made and announced on Twitter on Saturday, Sept 21.

I will be in contact with the winner to organize shipping of the books as soon as possible thereafter.