“…Bidulka succeeds in making the reader care about the main characters and what happens to them…”
“…Bidulka’s living up to his reputation as a detail-oriented author, his descriptions…perfectly illustrated.”
“…Saskatchewan, a province that can be as mysterious as and hold all the danger of snake-infested Asian outposts when you’ve crossed the wrong people.”
“…Anatole…Maryann Knoble…Alexandra…all three must reappear in future novels to avoid major reader anger…”
“…finely detailed, perfectly crafted characters that we already feel vaguely attached to…”
“…there is a big, beautiful MacGuffin here…”
“…Saskatchewan is lovingly depicted as the center of the known universe (which, who knows, it just might be). Bidulka could be the greatest literary booster the province has ever had.”
“Clear off the bookshelf and make a little extra room beside your Quant collection…”
“Adam Saint may be at least a few mystery readers’ new best friend.”