by Anthony Bidulka | Aug 22, 2013 | What Reviewers are Saying
“…Bidulka succeeds in making the reader care about the main characters and what happens to them…” “…Bidulka’s living up to his reputation as a detail-oriented author, his descriptions…perfectly illustrated.”...
by Anthony Bidulka | Aug 22, 2013 | What Reviewers are Saying
“…the book races to an ending that might hold the world record for most plot twists.” “…pure fantasy and full of non-stop action…” “What makes the book ring true is Saint’s personal odyssey…”...
by Anthony Bidulka | Aug 22, 2013 | What Reviewers are Saying
“…Saint is an interesting character with a bit of James Bond about him.” “Anatole, the 19-year-old nephew and computer genius is terrific…” “Saskatoon author has fun with Saints.” “…watching the farm and the...
by Anthony Bidulka | Aug 22, 2013 | What Reviewers are Saying
Reviewer: Jayne Barnard “…explosive opening…” “…a high-stakes international thriller with down-on-the-farm community spirit.”
by Anthony Bidulka | Aug 22, 2013 | What Reviewers are Saying
“…one excellent way to start a new series.” “…Bidulka quite naturally gives us Canadian main characters and here we meet a new one, Adam Saint, and I suspect he will be around for a while.” “Adam Saint may be a new character,...