by Anthony Bidulka | Jun 22, 2023 | Blog, The Buzz, What Anthony is Saying
June 15, 2023: Anthony Bidulka spoke with host Garth Materie about his latest novel ‘Going to Beautiful,’ which won the 2023 Crime Writers of Canada award for Best Crime Novel....
by Anthony Bidulka | Jun 22, 2023 | Blog, The Buzz, What Everyone Else is Saying
Anthony Bidulka won the $1,000 prize for best crime first novel for his book Going to Beautiful. “I really wanted to write a book that starts in this place of loss and struggle but is a journey to finding joy,” Bidulka said in an interview with The...
by Anthony Bidulka | Jun 19, 2023 | Blog, The Buzz, What Reviewers are Saying
Merry Bell kevinburtonsmith June 17, 2023 Created by Anthony Bidulka Going home is never easy. But years of gender-affirming surgery in Vancouver finds twenty-something MERRY BELL running back to Saskatoon—or at least Livingsky, Saskatchewan, a thinly disguised...
by Anthony Bidulka | Jun 6, 2023 | Blog, The Buzz, What Reviewers are Saying
Thursday, June 1, 2023 Review of LIVINGSKY by Anthony Bidulka (New Release) Merry Bell, after years away and after gender-affirming surgery, decides to return to her hometown of Livingsky, Saskatchewan, where the cost of living is lower than exorbitant Vancouver. ...
by Anthony Bidulka | Jun 6, 2023 | Blog, The Buzz, What Everyone Else is Saying
Going to Beautiful enters the list at #7: 7. A tender, queer crime book to blend Crime and Pride month. Named Best Crime Novel at the Crime Writers of Canada Awards, Anthony Bidulka’s Going to Beautiful (Stonehouse Publishing) follows Jake, a man...
by Anthony Bidulka | Jun 2, 2023 | Blog, The Buzz, What Reviewers are Saying
Livingsky is the story of a woman both on the run and investigating those who are invested in keeping their lives secret, injecting its tale with thriller components. It also covers the special challenge of returning home, as Merry Bell returns to Livingsky,...